I don't know about you guys, but I am really happy and contempt with having faith that my turn will come exactly when its supposed to. Trust in the Lord because he will never lie to us. Praise God for all that he can and will do. Do you trust God to believe the set time is coming? Do you trust God to believe him on a promise? What do you have to lose? Nothing but you have everything to gain. Praise him in advance because with God promises, you should go into a place called peace. You must wait for it, and it shall surely come and not a minute before it. Our Lord put your appointed time on the calendar already, so be patient. I know Im the last person that should be saying this. Im sharing what I learned and what I believe to be true, its up to you to absorb the knowledge Im kicking. This race is not giving to the weak or the strength, trust in his word. When you can't find him still trust that he will supply your needs according to your necessities. Logically if there is a right time, then there has to be a wrong time. There may be a time in your life that you may not want to wait. Be patient because when its your time you will be lushed with blessings. Praise him for what he has already appointed you for and you shall be happy. Goodbye for now....
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